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Utah Property Management Blog

Tips for first time landlords

Tips for first time landlords

Your home is now an investment property where tenants live. 

If you are emotionally attached to the home and will get pest every time a property manager needs to make a repair, perhaps renting isn’t for you. Ask yourself, Can you view the home as an investment property? 

Find a property manager 

Self-managing takes a lot of time and aggravation. Having a great property manager will help you get the home on the market, make sure you’re in compliance, negation the lease, screen potential tenants and manage the day to day. 

Double check your Mortgage loan 

Make sure that you can rent out your property, check to see if there are any restrictions. 

Schedule a rental inspection and walk through with the property manager. 

They will let you know what you need to do to make the property rent ready.  You want to do this right from the beginning. This will make the tenants experience as well as yours so much better. 

Try to relax. 

Your property manager has your property under control. They have experience with everything your home or tenants can throw at them. They are ready and willing to go the extra mile for you. So, relax and enjoy your investment property.

TierOne Real Estate offers a 21 Day Rental Guarantee (one of FIVE Satisfaction Guarantees we stand behind.) 

We take every step available to ensure your property is advertised and marketed at the highest possible current market rate. We guarantee we will rent your home in 21 days or less, or you get two months of management fees for FREE.

If you have a question about this topic or need assistance with anything else, contact a TierOne Real Estate Property Manager at 801-486-6200.
