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Utah Property Management Blog

Blog Post Managing Pets in a Rental Property in Lake City, UT: Tips for Success

Managing Pets in a Rental Property in Lake City, UT: Tips for Success

There are almost 200 million dogs and cats living as pets in the United States, an incredible statistic that highlights our collective love for these four-legged friends. If you're a landlord here in Lake City, UT, it's important to be mindful of the popularity of pets wh...
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Blog Post 4 Essential Tips for Smooth Lease Renewals in Salt Lake City, UT

4 Essential Tips for Smooth Lease Renewals in Salt Lake City, UT

In the bustling rental market of Salt Lake City, UT, retaining good tenants is more important than ever. Smooth lease renewals not only ensure steady rental income but also save you the time and expense associated with finding and onboarding new tenants.Whether you're a seaso...
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Blog Post 4 Strategies to Improve Your Rent Collection Process in Salt Lake City, UT

4 Strategies to Improve Your Rent Collection Process in Salt Lake City, UT

With its booming economy, influx of new residents, and vibrant rental market, ensuring timely and consistent rent payments in Salt Lake City, Utah is crucial for maintaining your property's financial health.However, navigating the unique characteristics of Salt Lake City'...
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Blog Post Tenant Placement Services: Streamlining Your Rental Process

Tenant Placement Services: Streamlining Your Rental Process

Have you ever been sifting through countless rental applications, hoping to find the perfect tenant for your property? Or perhaps you've experienced the frustration of dealing with problematic tenants?Landlords often face challenges and uncertainties in finding reliable tenan...
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Blog Post Maximize Your Breakage Deposit: Tips for Renters and Landlords in Salt Lake City, UT

Maximize Your Breakage Deposit: Tips for Renters and Landlords in Salt Lake City, UT

Salt Lake City made the top ten overvalued markets in the United States in 2022. No matter what you charge for renting your properties, it's important to get the breakage deposit right. It protects landlords from property damage and ensures tenants take care of the property.I...
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Blog Post Rental Property Deductions Checklist for Savvy Investors in Salt Lake City, UT

Rental Property Deductions Checklist for Savvy Investors in Salt Lake City, UT

Tax time comes every year, which means you must prepare for it. As a real estate investor, you'll pay taxes on your net income, which is the difference between your revenue and expenses.No one wants to pay more than necessary, yet you must follow tax rules and laws. The best ...
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Blog Post Understanding Occupation Duration in Real Estate Investments in Salt Lake City, UT

Understanding Occupation Duration in Real Estate Investments in Salt Lake City, UT

Salt Lake City, Utah, has long been a focal point for real estate investors seeking promising returns in a dynamic market.As the city continues to experience robust growth and development, understanding the nuances of occupation duration within real estate investments becomes inc...
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Blog Post Why Choose Full Service Property Management in Salt Lake City, UT?

Why Choose Full Service Property Management in Salt Lake City, UT?

Managing a property isn't all sunshine and rainbows. From handling maintenance requests to finding reliable tenants, your real estate responsibilities pile up faster than you can say "rent check."That's why so many Salt Lake City real estate investors work with ...
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Blog Post How to Keep Great Tenants in Your Salt Lake City, UT Investment Property

How to Keep Great Tenants in Your Salt Lake City, UT Investment Property

You've found the perfect tenants for your Salt Lake City investment property. They pay rent on time, take care of the place like it's their own, and even bring you cookies during the holidays.Now, you're probably wondering 'How do I keep these amazing tenants happ...
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Blog Post Essential Tips for First-Time Landlords in Salt Lake City, UT

Essential Tips for First-Time Landlords in Salt Lake City, UT

You've just acquired your first rental property, in the perfect neighborhood of Salt Lake City for your investment purposes. As a first-time landlord, the excitement is palpable, but so are the questions swirling in your mind.How do you navigate the local market? What are the...
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