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Utah Property Management Blog

Spring Checklist for your Rental Property

Spring Checklist for your Rental Property

Spring is here and if you don’t get a jump on spring maintenance with your rental property you should spend the rest of the season trying to catch up. Start spring off on the right foot. The harsh winter weather can really take a toll on your rental property. Now that the snow is melting the property manager needs to assess the property to see if the building is ready for warmer weather and heavy rainfall. It’s time to restore the curb appeal to your rental. Being proactive can prevent you from having larger expenses down the road.  

Inspect the roof and exterior of the rental. 

Look for chipping paint, damaged siding, holes in screen windows and cracks in the foundation. Also look at the roof shingles, do they need to be repaired or replaced? 

Clean up the landscaping. 

Dead plants and broken limbs need to be cleared. Give the live plants the space and light they need to come out of dormancy. Check the sprinklers. Supplying plants with water helps them out of dormancy. Make sure the irrigation system drains properly. The sooner you know if there is damage to the line the better for your landscaping. 

Fix any drainage issue. 

Fixing drainage issues is important since there is increased rainfall in the spring. Take not of any standing water that will help you find the source of the drainage problem. Unresolved drainage issues can destroy the soil around the building. Be sure to direct any water away from the foundation. 

Update all mechanical systems. 

Replace the air filters in the H VAC system. The filter removes dust, pollen and bacteria from the inside of your unit. Changing the filters will increase the quality of the air indoors. This is also a great time to check and test the smoke alarm and CO2 detectors. Following these steps will help you keep your rental long term and prevent large maintenance expenses. While you’re on the property this is also a good time to fix any little outstanding issues. Is a sink dripping, does a window not close all the way, or a drawer been damaged? Work on the little things at the same time. This will help maintain your rental and keep your current tenant happy. 

If you have a question about this topic or need assistance with anything else, contact a TierOne Real Estate Property Manager at 801-486-6200 or use the form to the left – we are here to help you with your rental/investment property whether you are a current client or one in the making.
